catlogoYou can catch Jim Owens on NBC’s “Meet the Press” tomorrow morning (airs at 8am central).  It should be interesting.  To date I’ve seen him on a number of interviews, but they’re usually pretty focused, such as the CAT opinion on the “Buy American” clause in the stimulus package, or some statements about layoffs.  Tomorrow’s show will be a roundtable to discuss the economy with host David Gregory, and CEOs from Google, Xerox and CAT.

“Meet the Press” is in my opinion the best of the Sunday morning shows (it was better with Russert though), and is watched by millions.  It’s great to have the head of CAT be one of three CEOs in the discussion, and I think this sort of press can only help to company (unless he screws it up).

3 Responses to “CAT CEO on “Meet the Press” tomorrow”

  1. Dylanon 31 May 2009 at 10:36 pm


    Starts at about 20:30.

  2. Jimon 31 May 2009 at 10:58 pm

    I thought it was a somewhat bland interview, and Gregory spent most of the time with the other two CEOs. CNBC seems to like Owens more since he is very financially focused (that’s his background) and gets into the technicalities during those interviews.

  3. Dylanon 01 Jun 2009 at 5:16 am

    I found it fairly entertaining, it’s very refreshing compared to NZ media.

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