Mar 7th, 2009
Twitter found childhood friend
It’s been sometime since I wrote on the main blog, so I suppose I do owe the readers a story/update. A week ago, I had trouble sleeping and decided to get on the internet to surf the web. I’m definitely not the techno savvy sort of person who knows all about the latest web gadgets. As I browse the internet and checking out twitter, I thought I’d try some names of old friends which I have lost contact with. To my very surprise I found a friend from childhood, and I mean a friend from 20 years ago. Yeah… yeah.. i know.. sounds old . We used to play a lot together and visited each other after school. After 1989, she moved to a different state. We tried to keep in touch but after a year or so we lost contact. Oh… it brought back a lot of good memories of us just running around ragged, chewing on sugar cane like candy and playing fire crackers during Chinese New Year. I sure do miss those good ol days.