
The Dispatch Endorsement

With a daily readership in the high single digits, an endorsement by the Peoria Dispatch carries real weight, and it’s time to make it public:  I’m supporting Barack Obama for President.

I decided shortly after the RNC, and the respective campaigns’ behavior since then has only reinforced my decision.  I’m definitely not a straight ticket voter and support a number of Republican candidates in other races, but the choice for President has become pretty easy.  I’ll forgo the reasons–you’ve heard them all before by sampling the political news deluge.  But forget for a minute the agonizing details of the candidates’ big reform plans and agendas, and watch these two recent ads.   They pretty much sum up the tenor of the two campaigns, and the core attitude that has swayed me:

4 Responses to “The Dispatch Endorsement”

  1. Jodion 02 Nov 2008 at 5:42 pm

    WOO-HOO, another Obama vote!!!!! I haven’t watched the clips yet, but your 1st line gave me quite a chuckle!

  2. Jimon 02 Nov 2008 at 6:31 pm

    Thanks, though I think your Iowa vote will have more impact…

  3. Christianon 03 Nov 2008 at 12:45 am

    Even with me as a non-voter, I am keeping my fingers crossed for the Obama win.

  4. Dylanon 03 Nov 2008 at 10:27 pm

    Personally, I’d vote the McCain/Palin ticket purely for the comedic aspect… where are Stewart/Colbert/Maher and guys like that going to go for material if you have an articulate and well educated president in office!?(U+203D)

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