I’m something of a political junkie and have overdosed on McBama news recently.  I definitely know them, and the sophistication of their campaigns is largely transparent.

On the way home from work, listening to Fox on XM, a heard a brief ad for a write-in candidate named Ron Hobbs.  The ad caught me off guard, and all I noted was some stuff about pro-life, $1.50 gas, and that I should go to “Hobbs for Hope” on the web.  It must have been an inexpensive spot.

Go to hobbsforhope.com and enjoy.  It’s like taking the Wayback machine to a late 90′s personal homepage, except it’s for a presidential campaign.  My favorite parts of his platform are:

  • “Jobs Subsidize small businesses with monies saved from the Iraq War.”
  • Veterans – A fund for Veterans who are down and out.”
  • “No weigh stations in Rest Areas.” (Truckers Agenda)
  • “Traffic lights will be delayed for more time to drive through lights.” (Truckers Agenda)
  • “All public businesses will have public rest rooms.” (Truckers Agenda)
  • …the 18 other items on the Truckers Agenda
  • “Keep American food for Americans.”  (Farmers Agenda)
  • “Hobbs will make mandates on the food quota from China.”  (Farmers Agenda)

A number of times during the campaign, some unknown “regular guy” figure catches the spotlight for a few days and explains his “common sense” way to fix the country.  I actually quite like that phenomenon.  But while I’m sure Mr. Hobbs means well, I don’t think I’ll be writing his name in next Tuesday.

One Response to “Just vote for my trucker platform, OK?”

  1. Christianon 29 Oct 2008 at 9:29 pm

    Nice, check out the site counter on the bottom of his web page.
    Kinda reminded me of election in Germany, when you see ads for the beer drinkers party or the Grey Panthers (senior citizens).
    I would like better lines and smoother roads, though. :)

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